Annual Social and Membership Meeting

Hauberg Estate 1300 24th Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

Members are encouraged to bring a dessert or finger food to share.  Guests are welcome.  We will have a business meeting as well to update the status of the courthouse and other preservation issues.  We will be meeting in the conference room on the 2nd floor.

Hauberg History Talk: History of Douglas Park

Hauberg Estate 1300 24th Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

Gerry Huiskamp, a Friends of Douglas Park board member, will lead us through the history of Douglas Park and all the recent improvements.  History Talks are sponsored by Friends of Hauberg Civic Center and Rock Island Preservation Society.  Cost is $5.00 at the door, but will be free to HOHCC and RIPS members.

Membership Meeting

Rock Island Police Station 1212 5th Avenue, Rock Island, IL, United States

General business meeting in the conference room.