Hauberg 19th Century Holiday Open House

Hauberg Civic Center 1300 24th Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

The traditional 19th Century Holiday Open House at Hauberg will be held today, the same day as the open houses at Butterworth Center, Deere-Wiman House and the Atkinson-Peek House (Rock Island Historical Society).  Santa will be present from 1-3 pm,  There will be music, light refreshments, and docent-led tours available.  The event is free and open to ... [ Continued

December Membership Meeting

House on the Hill 3052 10th Avenue, Rock Island, IL, United States

Kai Swanson will welcome us for a members only guided tour of House on the Hill.  The beautiful Second Empire style mansion was the home of lumbar baron Frederick Weyerhauser, and his wife Sarah.  After the tour we will gather for our holiday social at a location to be announced.  Please note the date and time of ... [ Continued

Hauberg Appreciation Event

Hauberg Civic Center 1300 24th Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

Members of Friends of Hauberg Civic Center (as well as anyone who would like to become a member) are invited to an informal gathering to enjoy light refreshments, celebrate accomplishments, renew memberships and learn more about what is being planned for the year ahead.