Our meeting begins with TWO tours of historic downtown buildings.

Stern Center  It begins promptly at 6:30 pm (earlier than our usual 7 pm time) with a tour of Stern Center (former McCabe’s and Hyman’s) at 1713 Third Avenue.  Enter at the west side of the Stern Center, right off the parking lot.   After that, we’ll go outside and around the corner for a tour ... [ Continued

December Membership Meeting

Hauberg Civic Center 1300 24th Street, Rock Island

Holiday appetizer and desert potluck in the dining room at Hauberg Civic Center.  Members are encouraged to bring a treat to share.  Note the early 6:30 pm start time.

January Membership Meeting

The Titterington House 816 22nd Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

Meeting agenda: Review 2013 and plan for 2014.  At this meeting we will review and update our goals and objectives and plan activities, programs and projects for 2014.  We are looking for new and inventive ways to promote heritage and preservation.  Please bring your ideas to the meeting!