Historic Preservation Month

May is National Historic Preservation Month.  During the month we encourage everyone to take a look at our local historic resources from our historic downtown to our wide variety of historic neighborhoods to our historic parks.  Embracing the history and stories these places embody can instill pride in our community and offer a great sense of place in which to live.

Preservation Awards Presentation

Rock Island City Hall 1528 Third Avenue, Rock Island, IL, United States

In celebration of National Historic Preservation Month, the Rock Island Preservation Society will present six Historic Preservation Awards, one Certificate of Recognition, and three Special Recognitions in City Council Chambers on Monday, May 13, 2019.  To read about each of the honorees, see the May newsletter posted on this website.

Monthly Membership Meeting

Karpeles Manuscript Library 700 22nd Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

Join us for a tour of the current exhibit at the Karpeles Manuscript Library followed by our monthly membership meeting.  Our meeting focus will be planning the World War 1 Neighborhood Walking Tour.