Monthly Membership Meeting

Rock Island Police Station 1212 5th Avenue, Rock Island, IL, United States

Join us for a general business and planning meeting in the conference room of the new Rock Island Police Station.  The police station is located in the Centennial Park Neighborhood and we will take this opportunity to learn a bit about the area and its neighborhood association.  Parking is available in the lot in front of the building ... [ Continued

Quad City Vintage Football Game

Douglas Park 18th Avenue & 9th Street, Rock Island, IL, United States

In 1920 Douglas Park was the site of the first football game involving a team from the NFL.  Plan to attend the 2nd annual 1920's style game between Rock Island and Moline teams with historical uniforms, footballs and game rules.  For more information on the important role Douglas Park played in the beginnings of the ... [ Continued

Preserve Iowa Summit 2016

River Music Experience 129 North Main Street, Davenport, IA, United States

Davenport has been selected to host the Iowa annual statewide preservation conference and Quad City preservation enthusiasts from both sides of the river have been invited to attend.  There will be receptions, tours, key-note speakers, and breakout sessions on a variety of topics including National Register nomination, historic storefronts, relocating historic properties, and the use of historic tax credits.  There ... [ Continued